The government, through its spokesperson Isaac Mwaura, has provided an update on the devastating fire incident at Hillside Endarasha Academy, Nyeri, which initially raised concerns over the fate of 70 missing children.
In a statement issued on Monday to, Mwaura clarified that the institution housed 330 learners.
He confirmed that all 166 girls were safe at home with their parents. Among the 164 boys enrolled at the school, all have been accounted for, though tragically, 21 lost their lives in the incident.
"The tragic loss of 21 of our children following the fire incident at Hillside Endarasha Academy in the boys' dormitory is a catastrophe beyond our imagination," the statement read.
It further revealed that two boys succumbed to injuries while receiving treatment in the hospital, and the charred remains of 19 others were recovered from the dormitory.
The spokesperson reassured that none of the girls were affected by the incident, emphasizing, "All girls are at home with their parents while all the 164 boys have been accounted for."
In response to the tragedy, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), along with a government pathologist, conducted investigations and scientific analysis on Monday, September 9.
The parents of the 19 victims have yet to identify their children and will proceed to Naromoru for autopsy and further processing.
Recognizing the gravity of the situation, the government has arranged for mental health and psychosocial support for the affected parents.
Health professionals have been stationed at the school site, providing specialized care and assistance to those injured, with the Ministry of Health dispatching essential medical supplies, including four mass casualty kits capable of serving up to 200 individuals, and a complete trauma kit.
The Ministry's forensic team is collaborating with all relevant agencies to ensure the proper identification of the deceased children, as the government continues its efforts to support the affected families during this challenging time.